Cape Ancona (imo: 9144079)
Then it deffinately was time for the smaller ones. But as i already said, they did look very good. To start with i saw the Conger (imo: 9122227).
A nice red gastanker moved up after her. The sun made her look very good. The wind was turning a bit at the moment, so the ships that came from now had some trouble moving to the locks. But that did gave me some very nice (stern) shots.
Then the Zandvlietlock went open to get some ships out who will go towards the Noordzee on the Westerschelde.
From the Boudewijnlock a few ships came passing the pier from the other side. Because of the renovations near the pier i was only able to make the sternshots.
Anna Johanne (imo: 9018115)
Amarant (imo: 9260407)
One ot the harbour cruise ships was on her way to check out what kind of ships where moored at the Noordzeeterminal.
Antverpia 17 (imo: 7646059)
There went a big Car carrier towards the Kallo-lock. She is filled up with new cars for the european market.
Asian Dynasty (im: 9203588)
And after this big beauty, there was the Atlantic Companion (imo: 8214152). She had just came from the dry docks in Duinkerken. There she had been given some new paint. Coming in to the port of Antwerp she was totaly empty, but there where a lot of cars and containers waiting to get on board of her. She was going to get moored at the Europaterminal. At the end of the terminal towards the ram for loading the cars.
The Cremona (imo: 9306392) came out of the Zandvlietlock. She is a nice grey general cargo ship. She was very nicely loaded.